Digging Deep into My Garden with Michelle from Sow n Sow


Ooooh, something ultra ultra exciting has taken place this past week, and I’ve been busting to share it!

The lovely Michelle from Sow n Sow recently interviewed me about my garden, and she has now shared it in the Garden Diaries, over on their blog.  

Gosh it felt lovely to be asked questions about my garden, share some photos, and take the time to write about the details of it all. It took me back to the early days of planning the garden, when our 3 acres was nothing but a big paddock full of grapevines and bumpy ground covered in hip high kikuyu. It made me realise how much can be achieved in 11 years. It also made me realise that this is the longest I have lived in one place. I feel happy about that.

A big thank you to Michelle from the gorgeous seed gifting brand:
Sow n Sow, for publishing my garden story. It feels like such an honour to see my garden up on their website.

Sow n Sow’s seed package gifts are so lovely. In the past I’ve received them from gorgeous people via the mail, and as part of a present, and I have absolutely treasured them. It’s a way to gift someone a garden without having to add soil and water. I love seed gifting!

If you’d like to read the interview you can do that HERE.

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